The Book Judge

2030 by Mauro Guillen

Conrad Chua Season 1 Episode 11

It’s the end of a crazy year and you might be looking to 2021 with renewed optimism that the pandemic will play itself out. This week’s Book Judge takes a longer look. Mauro Guillen looks at what the world might look like in 2030. 


I am sure Guillen did not expect all the trends he writes about sound so tame compared to a global pandemic. But I think that makes the book more compelling. After the year that was 2020, it is easier to see these long-running trends play out because after a global pandemic, people are beginning to accept that anything is possible. 


The pandemic has poured accelerant on some of these trends. Like how the developed world, especially Europe, has to confront tough choices on inter-generational wealth transfers. Or how companies will have to think about China as a growing market just as protectionist barriers are being erected. How will countries approach immigration when populations are decreasing everywhere. 


2030 is written with a positive, optimistic tone. And one trend I am keen to see play out is how seniors will embrace learning and entrepreneurship. Seniors are living longer and many have large amounts of disposable income. As far as I can see, not many of them are going to spend that money on leisure cruises, so why not go back to school. That will bring immediate benefits to universities but it could have huge secondary effects on the economy as seniors pick up useful skills or start new businesses. And yes, if there is one thing for sure, we will all be seniors at some point in our lives.